Review of The hating game by Sally Thorne

The Hating GameThe Hating Game by Sally Thorne

The problem I have in reviewing books of this genre is that the characters’ introspective inspection is nonexistent by default and so is my patience with them. Why are they the last to know about their first and single occupation, which is of course love? Maybe I don’t get the foreplay – the endless struggles, tons of misinterpretations of one’s eyebrow movement, all kinds of games (where the only unexecuted one is “Just kill each other already”)…

Other then that, the book was witty and enjoyable, discounting the end where I witnessed some melodramatic healing of childhood wounds in the midst of admissions about painting His bedroom walls in the colour of Her eyes.

9 thoughts on “Review of The hating game by Sally Thorne

  1. I love this review. You’ve basically summed up an entire genre in two paragraphs! I laughed out loud about the “misinterpretions of one’s eyebrow movement” and gagged at “His bedroom walls the color of Her eyes.”

    I haven’t read this particular book because I generally steer clear of that sort, but as you pointed out, they can be witty page-turners, despite the usual tropes!


  2. Oh thanks a lot, really!:) I’m glad you liked it, I rarely read books of that kind also, but I found such great reviews of this one that I gave it try. And I don’t regret it, it was a bit like listening to a quirky friend:)
    Aside from this, I must tell you what an interesting blog you have. Your way of writing and choosing (and connecting) topics are wonderful. I hope you’ll tell me one day how you became a freelance writer, this is kind of a dream job to me.


  3. Thank you very much! I’ve enjoyed your blog too!

    I have written a few posts about becoming a freelancer. You can find them in the menu at the top of my blog under the “thriving > freelancing” category.

    Judging by your blog’s content, I think you could do well as a freelancer! You unite a conversational tone (highly sought after in the marketing industry) with sharp insight. My advice would be to jump on a freelance platform and try your luck! It takes time to build up a strong client base (and you’ll probably be working for peanuts at first), but over time, you can reach the point where you are able to support yourself (in a modest lifestyle) with freelancing. Took me ~6 months.

    Best of luck!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. One BIG thank you for such an encouraging and enlightening reply! I will check out your posts (I must have missed them the last time), 6 months is no time at all. I doubt I could make it so quickly, but with some persistence, maybe in a year or three I’ll get to that point. Thanks again and I really can’t wait to read more about it on your website.


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